KATI THAMO | ‘Listening for the Call’

This exhibition of prints draws on the intrigue that birds hold for us.
The works range from migratory waders which cross the hemispheres to those living close beside us, and yet others whose calls we hear but only glimpse in the undergrowth.
Their songs and calls are often the background soundtrack to our lives – whether on the coast or further inland, from bush to forests or in our parks and backyards.
The birdcalls we hear signify a sense of place, but some birds are now so endangered that we listen for their calls in vain. In my images I try to capture a sense of poetry in these fleeting encounters.


EXHIBITION DATES: May 2nd – 13th


Kati Thamo, Of the Song Beyond, 2022, Etching, 20 x 23cm



Exhibition Catalogue




PETA WEST | ‘To be a Wanderer’

Living on the South Coast of New South Wales, printmaker Peta West draws inspiration from the surrounding coast and bushland, specifically that of Lake Conjola. A place where the lake opens to the ocean, where stoic banksias and gum trees hug the shoreline and where the peak of Didthul (Pigeon House Mountain) silhouettes the western skyline. To walk through this area, the energy of the bush is tangible. Despite the realism with which West portrays her subjects, it is rather her ability to capture an experience of sublimity that is most affecting in her work: a feeling of complete immersion within a living ecosystem.


EXHIBITION DATES: April 4th – 20th


At Dawn and Dusk, Linocut, 2023, 60 x 60cm



Exhibition Catalogue




TOM CIVIL I The Rabble

ARTIST TALK: Tom Civil will be joined by Chris Ingham to talk about the inspiration and creative process behind ‘The Rabble’.
Please Join us on Saturday the 1st of April, 3:30 – 5pm.

Final day of exhibition is Saturday 1st APRIL


In this new body of work, Tom Civil’s iconic stick folk monikers are used within a collection of etchings, paintings and small sculptures to represent friendship and collectiveness.
Many of the artworks speak to social organising, representing the act of people gathering together in unity for a common idea – from small groups of friends to small community groups, to mass gatherings. ‘The Rabble’ celebrates everyday moments of life and community and contain stories within stories; small occurrences, intimate moments, group discussions, playing and dancing, moving together and sitting alone.



Exhibition Catalogue


Artwork details:

The Rabble, TOM CIVIL. Etching & Aquatint. 300 x 400 mm


PAUL COMPTON I Apparitions

Exhibition dates: 28th Feburary – 14th of March 2023

Opening night celebration Thursday March the 2nd 5.30 – 7.30pm, PG Gallery


A deep interest in ghosts, the uncanny and hidden spiritual realms have influenced this collection of drawings. Using brush and dip-pen work, linocut and repetitive mark-making with ink, these offbeat works include visions of frolicsome specters, haunted plains, quirky deities and playfully conjured creatures.



Exhibition Catalogue

Artwork details:

Coy, Roaming Cryptid, PAUL COMPTON. Ink, pencil & watercolour. 288 x 370 mm


MO I Lost Civilisation

Exhibition dates: 7th – 21st Feburary 2023

Opening night celebration Thursday Feb 9th 5.30 – 7.30pm, PG Gallery


If our civilisation could only be represented by the material objects we leave behind, what would future archaeologists glean from the welter of technological artefacts they would excavate? In Lost Civilisation artist MO’s playful collages explore our obsession with technology, proposing our machines and devices as new objects of worship in an increasingly secularised world.




Artwork details:

Lost Civilisation, MO, 2022. Mixed Media collage, 700 x 500 mm.



Exhibition dates: October 4th – 24th of October


Celebrated cartoonist, painter and philosopher Michael Leunig brings to life joyous and relatable stories that comment on the fragile ecosystem of human nature and its relationship to the natural world. This exhibition showcases recent paintings and etchings by Michael Leunig.


Art work details:

Saturday Afternoon, Michael Leunig, 2022. Acrylic on canvas, 605 x 460 mm.


Exhibition catalogue



Exhibition dates: September 20th – October 3rd

Opening Night: September 29th. 5:30pm – 7:30pm


Phil Day invited Cassandra Atherton & Paul Hetherington to edit an international collection of contemporary prose poems. Upon completion the editors invited Phil to make some drawings for the final book. Instead, he made a drawing for every poem – resulting in over 100 drawings.

Phil Day is a Melbourne based artist who began practicing as an illustrator and caricaturist for the Canberra Times in 1994. After graduating from the Australian National University in 1995, he commenced working as a printer, binder and designer of artist’s books in the Edition + Artist’s Book Studio, Australian National University. After his inclusion in the 2000 Australian Drawing Biennale, Canberra, Day has collaborated with authors in the making of books. To date, Day has created over 70 books. His work is held in collections including the National Gallery of Australia and the National Library of Australia and has been published in the New Yorker Magazine.


Art work details:

Players Handbook, Advanced D&D (pp. 22-23), 2022. Phil Day, Pencil on paper, 965 x 650 mm.


Exhibition catalogue


Exhibition dates: 30th of August – September 15th

Opening Night: 1st of September. 5:30pm – 7:30pm


Bin Night: Every week our rubbish bins go out. A snapshot of life during the past seven days, the debris is sorted into bins with red lids and yellow lids. Once they’re emptied, the week begins afresh. Questions regarding ethical matters such as consumption and waste are best left for another day.

Jim Pavlidis is a Melbourne based painter and printmaker, exhibiting since 1994. His work is held in collections including the National Gallery of Australia, the State Library of Victoria and he has been awarded both the Churchill Fellowship and the Melbourne Press Club Quill. Jim Pavlidis is also known for his work at ‘The Age’, where he has been a press artist, designer and illustrator/cartoonist in two stints since 1987.


Art work details:

Lake Road (2022) Jim Pavlidis. Oil on Linen. 600 x 300mm W x H




DAVID NIXON I Coalescence

Exhibition dates: June 25th – July 9th 2022⠀


Coalescence culminates seventeen years dedicated to creating relief etchings, linocuts and monoprints. My material engagement with these mediums enables me to develop pictorial languages based upon personal motifs. Testing the extreme limits of the medium, my detailed etchings are distinguished by their lyric intimacy and acute optical shimmer. My linocuts are drilled, enabling an expansive means by which to animate works on paper with a concentrated intensity: an expressive fluidity is imprinted in reverberant images characterised by their visual rhythm, shape and spatial structure. Working wet into wet, painting and drawing integrate in my mono prints. I identify the textural beauty of chance elements and develop these dimensionally with a focused intent. My meticulous prints are technically demanding. I continually finetune and vary my creative methods, aiming at outcomes in which a perfectionism and a poetic expression converge.


Art work details:

Untitled (2021). Linocut. Edition of 25. 520 x 335mm



Exhibition Catalogue


Exhibition dates: June 2nd – 16th 2022⠀

Opening Night: 2nd of June 5:30 – 7:30pm.


Signals is an exhibition that examines the concept of a ‘novel’ ecosystem, an ecosystem that has been heavily influenced by humans but is not under human management. Kohl Tyler-Dunshea begins by looking to plants that are ever-present in her daily life within the city of Naarm, and examines these as markers (or ‘Signals’) of an implicit subtext to the happenings of the city she lives in.

Her watercolour paintings feature cut flowers bought from corner stores, noxious weeds that surround her block of flats, fallen leaves, and a sole pollinator species, the Western honey bee. Introduced species, bred and well-adjusted to the current climate. While her hand-built stoneware ceramic sculptures appear more like archeological remnants of a previous age, petrified, fossilized and bleached by time, inspired by the mycological kingdom, coral lifeforms, and other earthly anomalies.


Art work details:

Requiem. Watercolour, goauche and aerosol paint on 640gsm cotton rag paper 450 x 560mm, 2021.

Please view the exhibition catalogue here